Letter #34 - Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration

Letter #34

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Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration

Dear Dr. Bernstein,

I wanted to thank you once again for the truly remarkable work you performed on the 3rd of January. As usual it was an extremely pleasurable experience and you and your staff went to great lengths to keep me comfortable, happy and amused.

When I reflect on my history (3 full surgeries and a mini plug-excision procedure) it is still awe-inspiring to look back at the original condition (both aesthetically and medically) of my hair/scalp and at the current condition. At the risk of sounding sycophantic you have performed, in my view, nothing short of a miracle and I do not use the phrase lightly when I say, “you have changed my life”. I know that you will continue on your path to supply hair transplant procedures of the highest quality and will also strive to maintain the absolute integrity and credibility that you have made part of your philosophy.

Hopefully, I have had my final surgery (until you can clone my hair!) but I do want to let you know how much I appreciate what you have done for me and that I will continue to support you whenever you need me.

I am enclosing a little something for you and all of your staff as a small token of my appreciation for all you’ve done.

With many thanks,
Best regards,

G. K.

#34 Updated 2015-04-10 Patient



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on at 1:07 pm

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