Capillus272 Laser Therapy (LLLT) | Bernstein Medical


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Capillus272™ low level laser therapy (LLLT) deviceCapillus272 low level laser therapy (LLLT) device

The Capillus272™ is a portable low level laser therapy (LLLT) device for home-use treatment of hair loss in men and women. The mobile, battery-powered device uses red laser light, emitted from 272 laser diodes, to stimulate the growth of terminal hairs. The total power output of the device is 1,360 milliwatts (mW). Treatment is recommended for 30 minutes every other day.

According to Miami-based manufacturer Capillus, LLC, the premarketing study performed in advance of FDA clearance showed that patients using the laser therapy device saw a 51% increase in terminal hairs versus treatment with a placebo device.

The device is designed to cover more of the scalp than competing products, which the manufacturer suggests makes it a better product for male or female patients concerned with recession of the hairline at the temples.

On January 29th, 2015 Capillus announced that the Capillus272 laser therapy device has received clearance from the FDA.

“Capillus” is the plural form of the Latin word used to describe the aggregate of hair on the scalp.

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