Video: Robotic FUE Hair Transplant: Graft Harvesting

Robotic Hair Transplant Part 3: Graft Harvesting

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April 1st, 2014

Dr. Bernstein narrates as the ARTAS Robotic System harvests follicular unit grafts from the patient in a Robotic FUE hair transplant.
In Part 3 of our video series on Robotic FUE hair transplants, Dr. Bernstein narrates as he and his team of assistants prepares the patient for graft harvesting by the ARTAS® Robot for FUE. This includes positioning an apparatus called a tensioner on the donor area, administering tumescent fluid to the dermis, programming the robot for the specific procedure and aligning the robotic arm over the donor area. As the robotic extraction commences, Dr. Bernstein discusses the reason why the robot is tasked with extracting only 2-, 3- and 4-hair follicular units while avoiding the smallest 1-hair grouping. He also discusses the robot’s 2-step extraction procedure in which a 0.9mm sharp punch is used to score the skin and that is followed immediately by a 1.1-mm rotating blunt punch to dissect the deeper portion of the grafts from the surrounding skin. Watch as Dr. Bernstein describes the actions of the robot as it uses its specially designed image-guided sensors to select the next graft, position itself to follow the angle of the hair, then use the 2-step technique to dissect out the follicular units. After the robot performs the extraction, Dr. Bernstein’s team uses special forceps to remove the follicular units from the scalp and place them first in Ringer’s Lactate and then in chilled HyperThermosol-ATP, a medium designed to prolong the life of the grafts after they have been removed from the scalp. Not shown in the video is the placement of grafts in the recipient sites. Now that you've watched our video series on Robotic Hair Transplant procedures: Related Posts: Topic:  

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