Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - Medication During Hair Transplant Procedure

Medication During Hair Transplant Procedure

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Q: Is it correct that the hair transplant surgery lasts about eight hours or if there is a range, what is that generally? — M.R., Montclair, NJ

A: The range is about 5 to 8 hours. For a completely bald person, it would be in the higher range. Keep in mind that the person is just relaxing, watching TV or dozing off. The time goes by quickly for the patient. Since there is no general anesthesia, there is no medical risk for this relatively long procedure.

To review the procedure in more detail, please visit our Overview of FUT Hair Transplant Procedure section; which includes details for before, during, and after the hair transplant. View the Overview of FUE Hair Transplant Procedure section for details on the follicular unit extraction procedure.

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Q: Is it necessary to take medications before, during, or after the hair transplant? Will these medications affect pregnancy? — V.M., Fairfield, C.T.

A: It is not necessary to take any medication for a hair transplant other than the local anesthesia used during the procedure.

Although I would not have a hair transplant during pregnancy, the procedure will have no effect on future ones.

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