Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - DHT Blockers

DHT Blockers

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Q: Does finasteride need to be taken every day? — M.B., Atlanta, GA

A: Finasteride (Propecia) is a competitive inhibitor of Type II, 5 alpha-reductase (5AR is the enzyme that converts Testosterone to DHT which then causes hair to miniaturize and eventually be lost). Finasteride is 100x times more selective in inhibiting the Type II enzyme (present in hair follicles) than the Type I enzyme (present in other body tissues). The turnover (T1/2) of the finasteride/5AR Type II complex is 30 days and the finasteride/5AR Type I complex is 15 days. This explains why finasteride does not need to be taken every day and why, after stopping finasteride, the effects may take a month or longer to begin to disappear.

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Q: I am 27 years old and I have been on Propecia for 12 months now. Honestly, I have seen no response from it. In my dermatologist’s opinion I am a non-responder. I asked about Avodart and he said, since Propecia didn’t help then Avodart won’t help as well since both are DHT blockers, and if one didn’t work the other won’t either. In your opinion do you think Avodart is better? I have read that it blocks more DHT than Propecia. What is the dosing for Avodart? If someone does not respond to Propecia will they also not respond to Avodart? — A.C., West University Place, Texas

A: Avodart (dutasteride) is more effective than Propecia (finasteride) and some patients will respond to dutasteride who do not respond to finasteride. Dutasteride decreases serum DHT about 90% compared to 70% for finasteride. The usual starting dose of Avodart is 0.5mg a day.

That said, dutasteride is not FDA approved for use in hair loss and if a person has sexual side effects, the side effects are more likely to be persistent after stopping the medication compared to finasteride.

Read more about Avodart (dutasteride)

Read more about Propecia (finasteride)

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Q: Is it recommended to wait for 1 year after starting Propecia, when the effect of the medication kicks in and improves density of donor area, and then perform the surgery? — Z.B., Bergen County, New Jersey

A: Propecia will not affect the donor area, as this area is generally not impacted by the miniaturizing (thinning) effects of DHT –- the hormone that Propecia blocks. The purpose of waiting the year is to possibly regrow hair in the recipient area. If regrowth is significant, a hair transplant may not be necessary. If a person’s hair loss is extensive and there is little chance that Propecia will grow a significant amount of hair back to give a satisfactory improvement, then waiting the year is unnecessary.

Read more about Propecia or read a summary of a study on the effect of Propecia on a hair transplant.

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Q: Are there DHT blockers that are sold in the pharmacy over the counter? — C.C., — Fairfield County, Connecticut

A: The only effective DHT blockers are finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) and dutasteride (Avodart).

These medications require a doctor’s prescription and are not sold OTC. Nizoral is a topical shampoo for seborrhea (a type of dandruff) that is sold over the counter, but it is not effective in treating hair loss.

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Q: I heard that there is a new drug on the market called Avodart for prostate enlargement which might help with hair loss as it blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT better than Finasteride and is more effective than Propecia. Do you recommend taking it and if so what is the dose? — Y.B., Orlando, Florida

A: I am currently not recommending that patients take Dutasteride for hair loss, although it is more effective than Propecia, finasteride 1mg. (Dutasteride 0.5, the dose generally used for hair loss, seems to be slightly more effective than finasteride 5m in reversing miniaturization.)

The reasons that I am hesitant to prescribe it at present are outlined in the Hair Restoration Answers question, “Is Avodart Safe?

In addition to the reasons that I listed in that response, I would also consider that: Dutasteride, unlike finasteride, decreases sperm counts, it can result in persistent decreased sex drive and the incidence is greater than with finasteride. Finally there are a significant number of alpha-type 1 receptors in brain, those affected by dutasteride, but not finasteride.

However, since Dutasteride is approved for older men with prostatic disease, using it for hair loss in this age group (usually in a lower dose) is reasonable.

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Q: I am a 21 yrs old male having serious hair loss over the last few years. I also have very little facial hair. Since Propecia is a DHT blocker can it inhibit beard growth? — E.M., Astoria, N.Y.

A: As you suggest, it would be reasonable to assume that since DHT stimulates beard growth, blocking DHT (with finasteride) would tend to inhibit its growth. In practice, this does not seem to be the case, i.e. we don’t find that Propecia has any effect on facial hair. The reason is not clear.

It is interesting to note that testosterone stimulates growth of axillary and pubic hair, but not scalp hair. Scalp hair growth is not androgen dependent, only scalp hair loss is.

DHT stimulates terminal hair growth of the beard, trunk and limbs, external ears and nostrils. Of course, it also is responsible for the bitemporal reshaping of hairline as one passes into adulthood and causes male patterned baldness (androgenetic alopecia).

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Q: I’m 52 years old and have been taking Propecia (finasteride) for two years. It seems to maintain the status quo with no apparent regrowth. I am considering adding a dose of Avodart (dutasteride) once a week in conjunction with the daily Propecia. My question is twofold: (1) Since dutasteride blocks production of both enzymes (type I and II) that produce DHT from testosterone, is it redundant to take the finasteride that only blocks the type I enzyme? — Y.B., Orlando, Florida

A: It is redundant to take both.

However, you may not be taking the optimal dose of dutasteride which seems to be at least 0.5mg a day for hair loss.

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Q: Will Propecia and Minoxidil reverse some of the miniaturization going on with someone with thinning hair? If I do need a hair transplant will I have to stay on these medications? — C.C., — Fairfield County, Connecticut

A: Yes, both minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) affect the miniaturization of the hair follicles and help restore the shrunken follicles to cosmetically viable hair.

Minoxidil works by directly simulating miniaturized follicles to grow, whereas finasteride blocks DHT, the hormone that causes hair to miniaturize and eventually fall out.

Finasteride is much more effective than minoxidil in preventing or reversing the miniaturization process and it is so much more convenient to use that we generally suggest finasteride after a hair transplant procedure, but rarely recommend minoxidil.

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Q Do Rogaine and Propecia work synergistically? — N.W., Chappaqua, N.Y.

A: They are synergistic, since the mechanisms of action are different.

Rogaine directly stimulates hair growth, while Propecia is permissive for hair growth by blocking DHT, the byproduct of testosterone that causes hair to miniaturize and eventually disappear.

The important thing to remember, however, is that for most people, Propecia is far more effective.

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Q: I have read on numerous websites that Propecia and Minoxidil work synergistically, and that a hair loss sufferer will see better results using them together than either one alone. Do you believe this is the case, or do you think Propecia is enough treatment by itself for someone who just began to experience slight hair thinning and is too early for hair transplantation? — K.V., Hewlett Bay Park, New York

A: They may act synergistically since their mechanisms of action are different.

Rogaine (Minoxidil) stimulates the hair follicle directly, but Propecia (Finasteride 1 mg) permits hair growth by blocking the negative effects of DHT. Of the two, Propecia is far more effective. It is reasonable to use the two together as long as the medications are used regularly.

For patients contemplating surgical hair restoration, we generally have them continue Propecia only, since applying Minoxidil is too fussy and offers only incremental benefit.

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