Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - Consultations at Bernstein Medical

Consultations at Bernstein Medical

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Q: What are “Senior Medical Consultants”? — E.W., Miami, FL

A: These are non-medical personnel who wear white coats to give the impression that they have formal medical training. They are actually salespersons and they should immediately identify themselves as such. Although non-medical personnel can help to answer general questions, they should not be examining you and making specific recommendations about your hair transplant procedure. That is the job of your doctor.

When a physician evaluates you and makes recommendations, he or she is responsible for informing you of the risks as well as the potential benefits of your surgery, and is ultimately responsible for your care. They will also have the knowledge to provide you with a balanced view regarding your surgery as well as other treatment options. This is the practice of medicine.

A “consultant” who is being paid to convince people to have a transplant, but who is not actually performing the surgery, does not bear this responsibility and may have a natural tendency to over-sell the procedure. Beware!

Here are some resources about hair loss consultations at Bernstein Medical:

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