Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration - Books on Hair Loss

Books on Hair Loss

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Hair Loss & Replacement for DummiesHair Loss & Replacement For Dummies, written by internationally renowned hair transplant pioneers Dr. Robert M. Bernstein and Dr. William R. Rassman and published in 2008, is one of the best hair loss and hair transplant resources available for the layperson.

Now it is also one of the best resources for the layperson… who owns a Kindle wireless reading device.

The digital Kindle edition of Hair Loss & Replacement For Dummies is available for purchase and download at

The book dispels the many hair loss myths that proliferate on the internet, runs the gamut of hair loss treatment options, and includes crucial tips on how to avoid unscrupulous hair transplant doctors and potentially harmful products.

For more on the book, visit the Hair Loss & Replacement For Dummies page in the Resources section of our website.

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Q: Why did you write another book on hair loss? — K.L., Greenville NY

A: Hair Loss and Replacement for Dummies is the first book that we have written that is specifically geared for the lay public. Besides hair restoration, it covers a wide range of topics including: the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions that can cause hair loss, tips on hair care, information on hair systems, and a number of other topics not stressed in our other books.

Our prior books, The Patient’s Guide to Hair Restoration and The Guide to Hair Restoration focused on medical treatments and surgical hair restoration. Although very easy to understand, they are most helpful for someone that already has a basic understanding of hair loss or that had a consultation.

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Hair loss has a variety of causes. Diagnosis and treatment is best determined by a board-certified dermatologist. We offer both in-person and online photo consults.

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