Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration - Benefits of Rogaine for Hair Loss

Benefits of Rogaine for Hair Loss

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Q: Can Rogaine Cause Miniaturization?

When I am on Rogaine it seems – to my untrained eye – that I am having hair miniaturization and when I stopped briefly, I had shedding. Does this seem accurate based on what you have seen? Can Rogaine cause miniaturization? Is there a point you would recommend I stop Rogaine or is it something that likely can’t cause a negative impact on hair? — B.T., Brooklyn, NY

A: Minoxidil reverses miniaturization. It does not cause it. Shedding can occur after starting use of Rogaine but this means the medication is working should resolve with continued use. New miniaturized hairs are either from the progression of your genetic male pattern hair loss or newly forming hair that was stimulated by the minoxidil which can mimic miniaturized hair.

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Cosmetic Town

Dr. Bernstein contributed to an article published on the cosmetic surgery portal “Cosmetic Town” about the benefits and usage of Rogaine® (minoxidil) hair loss medication.

The article, “Rogaine for Male Pattern Baldness,” highlights the history of minoxidil as a critical component in managing and reversing hair loss in men and women. Approval of Rogaine for topical treatment of hair loss came in 1987, followed by approval for use by women in 1992.

Rogaine works by lengthening the growth or “anagen” phase of a hair follicle. By doing so, the drug effectively halts and reverses the miniaturization of follicles, a process that, if untreated, ultimately leads to hair loss.

The article also discusses the recommended dosage of Rogaine, a comparison of Rogaine and Propecia, when a patient can expect to see results of medical treatment of hair loss, and other related topics.

Cosmetic Town provides consumers with a knowledgebase of expert doctors in the field of cosmetic surgery. It also features a “before and after” section detailing cosmetic operations by top experts and the testimonials from patients who have been under their care.

You can read the article by clicking here.

Read more about Rogaine (minoxidil)

Read Tips on Using Minoxidil

Watch videos on the medical treatment of hair loss

View Before & After Photos of patients who used Rogaine and/or Propecia to treat their hair loss

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