Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - ABC News

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Dr. Schweiger on Good Morning America

Dr. Schweiger, our resident expert on hair loss in women, was featured in a segment about hair extensions on “Good Morning America” and ABC News online.

While many women extoll the cosmetic virtues of hair extensions — they are designed to add to the length and fullness of one’s hair — many others have realized the potential for extensions to cause hair loss.

Dr. Schweiger:

“We have patients who are in their early 20s come in after wearing hair extensions for six months or one year, and they actually have bald spots,” Dr. Eric Schweiger, a New York City dermatologist, told “Good Morning America.”

Some of the hair loss can be attributed to traction alopecia, which is localized hair loss that occurs with constant tugging on the follicles. However some of the problems occur due to underlying medical conditions, like anemia. Regardless the underlying cause, when someone is exposed to prolonged tension and weight from cosmetic enhancements, temporary or permanent areas of balding can occur. In some cases hair may grow back in those areas, but for individuals with permanent hair loss from extensions, hair transplantation may be the best treatment. In those cases, a visit to a hair restoration physician is the first step towards treating or repairing your hair loss.

This risk of damage to the hair is why it is important to use caution and care with extensions, as well as to have an understanding of potential issues the extensions might cause.

Dr. Schweiger on understanding these risks:

“It’s very important that people out there know the risks of hair extensions before they get them done,” said Dr. Schweiger. “If you’re going to do any extensions, just use them for a few hours and take them out. That’s the safest way.”

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WABC-TV Eyewitness News; channel 7 in New York, NY; featured Dr. Bernstein in a special report on hair loss and hair loss medications. In particular, the report, by ABC correspondent Kemberly Richardson, asked Dr. Bernstein about the effectiveness of and Rogaine/Minoxidil in the treatment of male pattern hair loss.

The report also featured the new Consumer Reports consumer survey on the same hair loss treatments. Consumer Reports Health & Family Senior Project Editor Tod Marks details how the more than 8,000 consumers who took part in the survey rated the performance of the medications.

Watch the report:

For more on the Consumer Reports survey, visit Baldness remedies at Consumer Reports Health. Note: a subscription to is necessary to view the complete findings of the survey.

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Patient JAZ before and after hair transplant photo

Bernstein Medical patient before (left) and after (right) hair transplant

We all know that hair loss is common among both men and women, and that hair transplant and hair restoration procedures are becoming more and more popular around the world. But what thoughts go through the head of your average hair loss sufferer before, during, and after a hair transplant?

The answer to that question may now be revealed. ABC News correspondent Cari Nierenberg and associate producer Ryan Stevenson take us directly into the mind and life of Bernstein Medical patient Adam Khoudja in a diary and feature on hair loss and hair restoration.

View each article at

You can also see the patient’s full before/after photoset in our Hair Transplant Photos gallery

Learn more about the hair transplant procedure and visit our own hair transplant photo journal.

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