Letter #90 - Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration

Letter #90

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Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration

Dr. Bernstein,

First of all, I have never said thank you for the incredible job that you did with me. I think I had my procedure done in late 2001 and it has worked out incredibly, incredibly well. I remember how nervous I was sitting in the waiting room the day of my procedure. But it ended up very well and one of the best decisions that I ever made. The biggest thing it did for me was stop me from obsessing over losing my hair anymore.

When I had it done you told me that there was a 50/50 chance that I wouldn’t need a 2nd procedure. Well you are pretty on, because I could continue to leave the way that it is after one procedure (it looks very natural) but I do want to have a follow up procedure done. I just haven’t gotten around to it. I had set goals for timelines to have it done.

I will contact your staff and schedule an appointment.

I don’t know if I had your email before and this was a convenient way to thank you.

H. D.

#90 Updated 2015-04-10 Patient



Posted by
on at 1:17 pm

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