Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration - Root Sheath

Root Sheath

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Q: I had a hair transplant two weeks ago and I just started noticing that some grafts were in my baseball cap at the end of the day. Am I losing the transplant and what can I do to keep this from happening? – Weston, C.T.

A: The follicles are firmly fixed in the scalp 10 days following the hair transplant. Hair is shed from the follicle beginning the second week after the procedure. This is perfectly normal and does not represent any loss of grafts.

What you are seeing is the root sheath that is shed along with the hair shaft. This looks like a little bulb, but is not the growth part of the follicle and should not be a cause for concern.

Two weeks following the hair transplant you may shower and shampoo your scalp as you normally did before the procedure without any risk of losing grafts.

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Q: How do you know if you have lost any grafts after a hair transplant and how long after the hair transplant can you still lose them? — T.R. Easton, Pennsylvania

A: Each day following the hair restoration, the transplanted grafts become more fixed in the scalp and the hairs in the grafts become more dissociated (loose). At nine days post-op, the grafts are fixed firmly in the scalp – it has essentially become part of the scalp in the new area and can’t be dislodged.

The hair, however, has totally separated from the follicle by this time, so that it can easily be pulled out without dislodging the remainder of the follicle that contains the growth center. When this hair is pulled out (or is naturally shed) one often sees a tiny bulb at the end. This is the root sheath of the hair and not the growth center. This is normal and is not a lost graft.

If a graft is lost, an event that may occur within the first 3-4 days following surgery, it is almost invariably associated with a small amount of bleeding.

Visit the page for Instructions After FUT Hair Transplant Surgery

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