Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - Rogaine for Women

Rogaine for Women

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New York PostAs the taboo of women’s hair loss gradually dissipates, more women than ever are seeking treatment for hair loss caused by stress, pregnancy, genetics, and a variety of other medical conditions and behavioral causes. Dr. Bernstein is quoted in an article in the New York Post identifying the upward trend of women seeking hair loss treatments.

“Approximately 40 percent of women experience some form of hair loss in their lives, and stress is the second biggest cause after genetics,” says Dr. Robert Bernstein, a professor of dermatology at Columbia University and a hair restoration specialist with a Midtown practice. “Over the last five years there had been a 50 percent increase in the number of women coming to our office to seek help.”

The article discussed four women of varying ages who sought treatment for different hair loss conditions. Among the treatments discussed are Rogaine for Women and Laser Therapy.

Read about Women’s Hair Loss
See before and after photos of Female Hair Transplant patients

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Q: What is the difference between Rogaine for men and Rogaine for women? — G.K., Hawthorne, N.Y.

A: Rogaine, the brand name of generic minoxidil, comes in formulations for both men and women. The men’s versions come in a 5% solution and a 5% foam while women’s products are the 5% foam and 2% solution. Of these, the strongest and most effective is the 5% men’s solution. This is due to the inclusion of propylene glycol, which is a vehicle that helps the active ingredient, minoxidil, to more readily penetrate the scalp. As the other products do not contain propylene glycol, they may be slightly less effective.

Instructions for use also differ on the label between the men’s and women’s products. All products (5% men’s solution, 5% men’s foam, 2% women’s solution) recommend twice daily use, except for the 5% women’s foam which recommends once daily application. In reality, a thorough once daily application seems to be nearly as effective as twice daily for all version of topical minoxidil.

While the 5% solution may be stronger, it is more irritating to the scalp and more difficult for some to tolerate. Some people have a sensitivity to the added propylene glycol and will experience redness, burning, itching, and irritation. If this occurs, patients should switch to the 5% foam or 2% solution. We also recommend that patients use enough of the medication when they apply to adequately cover the treatment area of the scalp. Often, this means using 2 or 3 capfuls of foam or 2-3 droppers full of the solution (2-3mL).

It is important to understand, that contrary to the more restrictive package indications, it works in all areas of the scalp where there is thinning. It is not only for use in the crown. Many patients find that evening application allows the full 4-6 hours of contact time necessary for absorption and that the product will dry overnight and no longer look greasy in the morning. Results can appear as early as 3-6 months, but we often advise using minoxidil for a full year before judging its efficacy. As the hair is always cycling and growing, the product will need to be continued daily for ongoing benefit.

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