Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - Men's Health

Men's Health

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Men's Health - Hair HealthMen’s Health has published a new spotlight, called “Hair Health.” The multi-article spotlight is featured on the magazine’s website homepage and covers a wide variety of topics related to men’s hair loss and hair transplant surgery. Dr. Bernstein was asked to contribute to the series of articles, including an “expert advice” feature which answers five commonly-asked questions about hair loss myths.

The centerpiece articles in the spotlight include the article, “Scalped,” which details the best treatments for hair loss in men, and, “Keep Plugging Away,” about best-practices on finding a great doctor who can treat your hair loss.

In “Scalped,” Dr. Bernstein speaks to the urgency of halting your hair loss using Propecia and Rogaine, while he cautions younger patients on the side effects of the drug Dutasteride:

“Start [Propecia and Rogaine] as soon as your hair begins to thin for the best results.”


“The reproductive side effects [of Dutasteride] — decreased libido and ejaculation disorders — may be persistent, so I don’t usually recommend this medication for younger patients.”

On hair transplantation, Dr. Bernstein says:

“Hair transplants are most appropriate for people who have not responded to medical treatments.”

“Keep Plugging Away,” centers on hair transplant surgery and the repair of hair transplants that used out-dated, large, “pluggy” hair grafts. Dr. Bernstein – the hair transplant physician most responsible for the new pioneering techniques of follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction – had this to say about hair transplant repair:

“Reversing the unnatural appearance of older plugs is more involved than using the right technique in the first place,” he says. “But in most cases, it can be accomplished with excellent results.”

Visit the “Hair Health” feature online at

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