Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - Matt Damon Hair Loss

Matt Damon Hair Loss

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The Secrets to Hiding Celebrities' Hair Loss - The Bergen RecordIn a recent article “The Secrets to Hiding Celebrities’ Hair Loss,” published in the New Jersey newspaper, The Bergen Record, author Abigail Leichman pondered the variety of techniques used by celebrities to battle hair loss. Articles such as these put a spotlight on the fairly recent phenomenon of celebrity hairline watching that has sprouted up in the media and on the web.

Chat rooms are filled with speculation about the seeming rise and fall (and sometimes rise again) of follicles for such stars as Matt Lauer, Mel Gibson and Jude Law. And for sports figures like Tiger Woods and Pete Sampras.

Ms. Leichman comments that such stars as Johnny Depp, Owen Wilson, and Matt Damon must increasingly depend upon their stylists to avoid bad hair days.

In her article, Ms. Leichman names Follicular Unit Transplantation “a hair-transplant procedure pioneered by a Fort Lee physician” as one of the secrets to Hollywood’s ability to reverse the effects of thinning hair. The article features Dr. Bernstein as a surgeon who’s list of patients “more than 5,000 male and female patients – he can’t name names – has included major players in theater, politics and high finance.”

With recent trends showing that more and more men are becoming comfortable with the idea of electing to receive cosmetic surgery and with the leap in successful results using new techniques mastered by doctors such as Robert M. Bernstein MD, men and women are looking to the rich and famous to help them decide where to go for procedures such as surgical hair restoration.

Bernstein Medical is meticulous about protecting the privacy of all of our patients. At Bernstein Medical every patient is treated with the same attention and care that the movers and shakers in Washington, Hollywood and Broadway receive.

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