Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - Lebron James Hair Transplant

Lebron James Hair Transplant

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New York Post

Dr. Bernstein was quoted in a New York Post article on the growing popularity of surgical hair restoration. In the article, Dr. Bernstein explained how celebrity hair transplants have become a driving factor behind the fading of the decades-long stigma of hair transplants.

“Soccer players, football players — they’re admitting they’ve had the surgery. Patients bring in pictures of [George] Clooney, Brad Pitt. The stigma of the old plugs is fading,” [said Dr. Bernstein.]

While celebs aren’t writing signed confessions, there’s plenty of speculation about which high-profile men may have gotten procedures — such as LeBron James, Kevin Costner, John Travolta and Jeremy Piven.

Advancement in hair transplant technology may also be lending a hand. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) surgery and newer techniques, such as Robotic FUE, have all but eliminated the old corn-row style “hair plugs” that were commonplace twenty years ago.

The article discusses how the hair restoration industry saw a 27% increase in hair transplant procedures worldwide since 2012. The newest data released by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) values the global surgical hair restoration market at nearly $2.5 billion.

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After years of jokes about his continually receding hairline, LeBron James, basketball superstar and winner of two NBA championships and four NBA Most Valuable Player Awards, stunned the sports world on September 16th, 2014 when he revealed a newly restored hairline while promoting his new LeBron 12 shoe at Nike World Headquarters.

FUE Hair Transplant Most Likely Responsible for LeBron James’ New Hairline

Folks are now asking – where, when and how did LeBron get that great new hairline?

While no one knows for sure (and LeBron, so far, hasn’t said a word), Katie Nolan, the host of’s No Filter, rejects the idea that LeBron’s new life in Cleveland is less stressful than it was in Miami and that’s what allowed his hairline to return. Instead, she strongly suspects that it is the result of an advanced surgical hair restoration technique called Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, which produces hair transplant outcomes that look completely natural.

She also suspects the use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) which new research has shown to be an effective treatment for male and female pattern hair loss.

Katie Nolan breaks it all down for you in her No Filter segment below, “LeBron James unveils his new hair (and some shoes).”

Read about FUE Hair Transplants

View Before & After Photos of some of our hair transplant patients

Visit Bernstein Medical for a one-on-one hair loss consultation with one of our board certified physicians

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