Dr. Bernstein was quoted in a New York Post article on the growing popularity of surgical hair restoration. In the article, Dr. Bernstein explained how celebrity hair transplants have become a driving factor behind the fading of the decades-long stigma of hair transplants.
“Soccer players, football players — they’re admitting they’ve had the surgery. Patients bring in pictures of [George] Clooney, Brad Pitt. The stigma of the old plugs is fading,” [said Dr. Bernstein.]
While celebs aren’t writing signed confessions, there’s plenty of speculation about which high-profile men may have gotten procedures — such as LeBron James, Kevin Costner, John Travolta and Jeremy Piven.
Advancement in hair transplant technology may also be lending a hand. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) surgery and newer techniques, such as Robotic FUE, have all but eliminated the old corn-row style “hair plugs” that were commonplace twenty years ago.
The article discusses how the hair restoration industry saw a 27% increase in hair transplant procedures worldwide since 2012. The newest data released by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) values the global surgical hair restoration market at nearly $2.5 billion.
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