Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - Cirugía de Trasplante Capilar

Cirugía de Trasplante Capilar

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Dr. Bernstein, ARTAS Robot for FUE in Brazil's Veja MagazineDr. Bernstein was quoted in an article on robotic follicular unit extraction (FUE) that appeared in Brazil’s Veja Magazine. It is titled, “Vai Ficar Mais Fácil Deixar de Ser Careca,” which translates to, “It Will Be Easier To Stop Being Bald.”

The article describes how the ARTAS System improves on traditional FUE procedures. It contains a diagram which shows that the hair transplant robot can extract almost twice as many follicular units as extraction techniques that use manual methods. Whereas manual procedures can yield about 400 follicular units in one hour, the robot for FUE can extract 750 units in an hour. The article indicates that the total duration of a hair transplant procedure can be significantly reduced using the new robotic system.

The magazine, which focuses on Brazilian business and culture, quotes Dr. Bernstein:

“É muito difícil retirar os folículos manualmente”, diz Robert Bernstein, um dos pioneiros a fazer o transplante capilar manual e a user o ARTAS.”

Translated, it reads:

“It is very difficult to manually remove the follicles,” says Dr. Robert Bernstein, one of the pioneers of manual hair transplants and of the ARTAS System.

The person pictured with the article is celebrity actor Bruce Willis. Under the photo is the caption “Duro de Crescer: Raros são os atores, como Bruce Willis, para quem a ausência de fios só faz aumentar o charme.” This translates to: “Hard to Grow: Rare are the actors like Bruce Willis, for whom the absence of hair increases the charm.”

Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration treats patients from all over the world, including Brazil and South America. Anyone who is unable to visit our center in New York City for a consultation may submit a photo consultation.

Read more about the benefits of Robotic FUE

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Dr. Bernstein Interviewed on Telemundo 47

Telemundo47 — a Spanish-language media outlet based in New York City — interviewed Dr. Bernstein for a segment on hair loss and how hair treatments and styles can lead to long-term damage.

Here is the lead in Spanish:

Consejos para los tratamientos del pelo

Los tratamientos para el cabello la pueden dejar muy bella, pero pueden traer consecuencias a largo plazo y podrían ser desastrozas.

Now, in English:

Advice for the treatment of hair

Treatments for hair can leave it very beautiful, but they can bring consequences for a long period of time and can be disastrous.

Dr. Bernstein discusses how strong chemical treatments for hair can lead to hair damage and hair loss (pérdida del cabello). He also speaks to the issue of traction alopecia (alopecia por tracción) and how you can prevent hair loss by choosing to style your hair so that it is not tightly pulled back.

You can watch the complete video segment on the Telemundo website. [Update: the video is no longer available.]

Dr. Bernstein’s expertise in hair restoration (restauración del cabello) is appreciated around the world and by people who speak a wide variety of languages. Indeed, patients have come from all around the world to seek his advice and treatment for their hair loss.

Visit our Spanish language page on hair transplantation, Cirugía de Trasplante Capilar

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