Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration - Before FUT Hair Transplant

Before FUT Hair Transplant

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Q: I am preparing for FUT surgery and read about scalp laxity exercises. Will they better prepare me for my hair transplant? – O.U.

A: For the majority of patients, there is enough scalp laxity so that exercises are unnecessary. If a patient’s scalp becomes too tight for FUT, we would switch to FUE. On occasion, after multiple FUT procedures, if the scalp is snug and FUT is still desirable, then scalp laxity exercises can be useful.

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Q: I am taking a baby aspirin to prevent heart disease and I heard that I should stop this medication before my hair transplant. How long should I stop for? — G.A., Fort Lauderdale, FL

A: You should discontinue the aspirin 10 days prior to your hair restoration procedure.

Other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) need only be stopped 3 days before the hair transplant.

Both aspirin and other NSAIDs can be resumed three days after surgery. ((Otley CC: Preoperative evaluation and management in dermatologic surgery. J Am Acad Dermatol 2006; 54:119-2))

Here are some resources for before your hair transplant:

Before FUT Hair Transplant
Before FUE Hair Transplant

Here are some resources for after your hair transplant:

After FUT Hair Transplant
After FUE Hair Transplant

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