Letter #28 - Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration

Letter #28

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Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration

Dear Dr. Bernstein:

After undergoing my surgery on Friday, April 10th, I felt compelled to inform you of the exceptional professionalism that your staff demonstrated. Throughout the nine-hour procedure, each an every one of you assistants showed genuine concern for my comfort, health, and attitude. You staff’s commitment to your state of the art transplant procedure was evident in their medical and interpersonal skills. They simply love their work!

I spent over three years deciding what type of surgical procedure would benefit my hair loss condition. More importantly, choosing the right doctor to perform the surgery was of paramount concern. I can now state that I made the best possible choice for myself. From my first consultation with you, I was fully relaxed and informed as to the intricacies of a follicular transplant. By speaking with you, examining a procedure in progress, and reading print related materials about your pioneering research; I was able to make an educated and unencumbered decision.

I am grateful that you have dedicated yourself to a medical procedure that enhances the appearance, self-esteem, and confidence of human beings. I have dedicated my life to teaching you students the values of commitment, responsibility, and accountability. From you, I have learned that a person can achieve a sound body. The Chinese culture states that a sound mind and a sound body balances a person’s life. I already feel balanced!

Thank you,

T. V.

#28 Updated 2024-08-13 Patient



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on at 4:25 pm

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