Letter #119 - Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration

Letter #119

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Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration


There is nothing like having your own hair growing in and looking so natural. It builds your confidence, self-esteem when you are out in the public, like I am, for my speaking engagements. The staff at Bernstein Medical was extremely professional and customer-focused throughout the entire hair restoration process.

My only regret is that the picture was taken after my first hair transplant procedure and not my second one. My move to North Carolina made it hard to come in for follow-up. If you don’t mind using a professional photo, I’ve attached one that I use in my consulting business, which, of course, was taken after my second hair restoration session.

A. Z.

#119 Updated 2019-05-02 Patient acz



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on at 1:05 pm

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