New Strategies for Tissue Regeneration
Have you ever thought that you want to be more like a newt? You might not have thought about it in those terms, but these tiny amphibians have a physical capability that human beings have dreamed about for eons: the capability of regenerating tissue. If we could tap into this capability, the possibilities for medical treatment are limitless. We could regrow an arm, a leg, a hand, repair a heart after a heart attack, or even regrow hair. Two new avenues of scientific research, discussed in an article in the New York Times, might just help us enable human beings regenerate tissue.
The article goes on to describe the two methods, and includes Dr. Bernstein’s full analysis of the new research and how it could apply to hair restoration.
Read more on our Hair Cloning Research page
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Attend a Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration Open House to observe a hair transplant procedure in progress, meet patients of ours whose hair restoration procedures have been completed, and have all of your questions about hair loss and its treatment answered.
Women’s Hair Loss
Monday, September 27th, 2010
4 – 6pm
Men’s Hair Loss
Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
4 – 6pm
Updated: 2024-08-20 | Published: 2010-08-20