Q: I heard about the laser comb and other lasers for hair loss, how do they work?
A: Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is based on the scientific principle of photobiotherapy. Photobiotherapy occurs when laser light, absorbed by cells, causes stimulation of cell metabolism and improved blood flow.
Although the exact mechanism by which lasers promote hair growth is still unknown, they appear to stimulate the follicles on the scalp by increasing energy production and partially reversing the miniaturization process leading to thicker hair shafts and a fuller look.
- How Does Laser Therapy (LLLT) Actually Work to Grow Hair?
- Which Handheld Laser Therapy Device Do You Recommend?
- Is LaserComb FDA Approved to Treat Hair Loss in Women?
- Is Laser Therapy With Hand-held LaserComb Better Than Revage Helmet Unit?
- Does Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Affect Hair Loss in Men and Women Differently?
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