Q: What are your recommendations for wearing a hairpiece following a hair transplant? — P.K., Long Island City, Queens, NYC
A: First, some clarification. It is OK to wear a “hairpiece” (one that is attached to the hair with clips or to the scalp with tape) so that it can be removed each night, but NOT a “hair system” (that is woven to existing hair or glued to the scalp and must be removed by the salon).
Patients should wait a week before they resume wearing their hairpiece, although some patients use it as soon as two days later (but keep it on for very short periods of time).
After the first week, I don’t have any restrictions with regard to duration during the day, as long as the person removes the hairpiece at night and shampoos the scalp thoroughly at least once a day.
The hairpiece should be kept clean and it helps if the person has a spare. The piece should be attached with clips. A stiffening rod can be inserted along the front edge to keep it from lifting up. One should avoid using glue. Tape can be used in conjunction with clips only if the area of attachment of the tape is away from the implanted grafts.
Here are some resources for after your hair transplant:
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