Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration - Hairline Receding

Hairline Receding

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Patient JAZ before and after hair transplant photo

Bernstein Medical patient before (left) and after (right) hair transplant

We all know that hair loss is common among both men and women, and that hair transplant and hair restoration procedures are becoming more and more popular around the world. But what thoughts go through the head of your average hair loss sufferer before, during, and after a hair transplant?

The answer to that question may now be revealed. ABC News correspondent Cari Nierenberg and associate producer Ryan Stevenson take us directly into the mind and life of Bernstein Medical patient Adam Khoudja in a diary and feature on hair loss and hair restoration.

View each article at

You can also see the patient’s full before/after photoset in our Hair Transplant Photos gallery

Learn more about the hair transplant procedure and visit our own hair transplant photo journal.

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Q: I have curly hair with thinning on top and strong, but less curly hair on the sides and back. My hairline is receding, but it is really the area on top I am concerned about. Does hair replacement work with curly hair and will it match? — E.B., Sanibel, F.L.

A: Yes, curly hair grows as well after a hair transplant surgery as straight hair.

After the hair restoration, the transplanted hair will take on the characteristics of the hair that was originally in the area, so it will match perfectly with respect to curl and wave.

See before and after hair transplant photos of patients with curly hair

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Q: Although I read that women are supposedly protected from hair loss in the frontal hairline by the enzyme aromatase that is exactly where I am losing hair. My hairline has receded and I have developed a widow’s peak. What can be causing this, and how can I fix it? It seems to have been happening gradually for a few years.

A: Less than 10% of female hair loss is in a frontal pattern that is similar to the pattern of genetic hair loss seen in men.

Women with this pattern can often be good candidates for hair transplant surgery, particularly if the donor area is stable. View our Women’s Hair Transplant Gallery for some examples of the kind of results we can achieve for women at Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration.

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