Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration - Laser Therapy Helmet Unit

Laser Therapy Helmet Unit

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Q: If I want to use a laser to try and stimulate my hair to grow, should I use one of the hand-held units, such as the LaserComb or X5 Laser, or use a helmet?

A: Of the hand-held lasers, I feel the LaserComb is most effective. With the helmet units used in salons or doctor’s offices, we recommend the Revage. There is no evidence that the helmet lasers works any better than the LaserComb.

Some patients prefer a helmet, such as the Revage, since they can just relax and don’t have to worry about using it correctly or concentrating on reaching every spot. Others prefer the hand-held unit, since it is less expensive and can be used at home.

For more on this topic, view our Laser Therapy section.

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