Why Am I Shedding From Higher Dose Of Finasteride?

Q: I have been taking one tablet of Propecia daily for the past 5 years, with good results, until May of this year. At that point I started to experience some hair loss and so you recommended that I switch from Propecia to generic finasteride and increase the dose to 1/2 of a 5 mg pill per day. I started taking the 1/2 tablet of finasteride daily one month ago, and for the past 2 weeks I have seen a lot of hair in the bathtub and on the towel after taking a shower. I have not made any other changes in my diet or my shampoo, and I do not have any conditions on my scalp. Please advise me on what needs to be done. — C.C., Floral Park, New York

A: Just continue the medication at the higher dose. Either the finasteride hasn’t started working yet or you are getting temporary shedding from the medication (which means that it is working).