Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration - Snug Fit For Grafts In Recipient Sites

Snug Fit For Grafts In Recipient Sites

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Q: I’ve read some information on your website about donor area scarring from FUT and FUE. Since I wear my hair longer in the back, I am not really concerned about that. But what about the recipient area where my hair is thin? Are any scars visible in the recipient area after a hair transplant? How long after a hair transplant will you be able to see redness, marks, or scars on the top of my scalp? — A.N., Chicago, IL

A: The marks and redness from a hair transplant should fade in about 10 days, although there is significant patient to patient variability. The tiny recipient sites that we use prevent visible scarring, pitting, or other surface irregularities as a result of the procedure.

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Q: When can I wash my hair after a hair restoration procedure?

A: If a follicular unit hair transplant is performed so that there is a “snug fit” between the graft and the incision into which it is placed, the grafts are reasonably secure the day after the procedure.

At this time, gently washing your scalp with lightly flowing water and a patting (rather than rubbing) motion is permitted. Vigorous rubbing, however, will dislodge the grafts.

Over the course of the week the grafts become more secure, and at 10 days post-op they are permanent. At this time, normal scrubbing of the scalp is permitted.

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